[some selections]
‘Coded Vanilla: Logistical Media and the Determination of Action‘, South Atlantic Quarterly 114.1: 135-152.
Soenke Zehle and Ned Rossiter, ‘Mediations of Labor: Algorithmic Architectures, Logistical Media and the Rise of Black Box Politics’, in Richard Maxwell (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Labor and Media, New York: Routledge.
Ned Rossiter and Soenke Zehle, ‘The Aesthetics of Algorithmic Experience‘, in Randy Martin (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Art and Politics, New York: Routledge.
Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter, ‘The Politics of Organized Networks: The Art of Collective Coordination and the Seriality of Demands’, in Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Anna Watkins Fisher and Thomas Keenan (eds) New Media, Old Media: A History and Theory Reader, 2nd edition, New York: Routledge (in press).
Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter, ‘Organized Networks: A Guide for the Distracted Multitudes’, in Steirischer Herbst and Florian Malzacher (eds) Truth is Concrete: A Handbook for Artistic Strategies in Real Politics, Berlin: Sternberg Press.
‘Materialities of Software: Logistics, Labour, Infrastructure’, in Paul Arthur and Katherine Bode (eds), Advancing Digital Humanities: Research, Theory, Methods, Palgrave Macmillan.
‘Locative Media as Logistical Media: Situating Infrastructure and the Governance of Labor in Supply-Chain Capitalism’, in Gerard Goggin and Rowan Wilken (eds), Locative Media, New York: Routledge.
‘Logistical Worlds’, Cultural Studies Review 20.1: 53-76.
Anja Kanngieser, Brett Neilson and Ned Rossiter, ‘What is a Research Platform? Mapping Methods, Mobilities and Subjectivities’, Media, Culture & Society 36.3: 302-318.
Ned Rossiter and Soenke Zehle, ‘Privacy is Theft: On Anonymous Experiences, Infrastructural Politics and Accidental Encounters‘, in Martin Fredriksson and James Arvanitakis (eds), Piracy: Leakages from Modernity, Sacramento: Litwin Press (forthcoming).
Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter, ‘Organised Networks: From Weak Ties to Strong Links‘, Occupied Times 23.
Ned Rossiter and Soenke Zehle, ‘Toward a Politics of Anonymity: Algorithmic Actors in the Constitution of Collective Agency’, in Martin Parker, George Cheney, Valerie Fournier and Chris Land (eds), Routledge Companion to Alternative Organization, London and New York: Routledge, in press.
Ned Rossiter and Soenke Zehle, ‘Acts of Translation: Organizing Networks as Algorithmic Technologies of the Common’, in Trebor Scholz (ed.), Digital Labor: The Internet as Playground and Factory, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 225-239.
‘Dirt Research‘, in Carolin Wiedemann and Soenke Zehle (eds), Depletion Design: A Glossary of Network Ecologies, Amsterdam: XMLab and the Institute for Network Cultures, 41-45.
‘The Logistical City: Software, Infrastructure, Labour‘, Cities and Materialities Workshop, Institute for Culture and Society, University of Western Sydney, 11 April.
‘Materialities of Software: Logistics, Labour, Infrastructure‘, Paper presented in panel on Digital Culture and Society: Questions of Method at Digital Humanities Australasia 2012: Building, Mapping, Connecting, The inaugural conference of the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities, Australian National University, Canberra, 28-30 March, http://aa-dh.org/conference.
Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter, ‘“Seriality for Allâ€: The Role of Protocols and Standards in Critical Theory‘, in Peter Waters, Nico Westpalm van Hoorn and Pieter Wisse (eds), Interoperabel Nederland, The Hague: Forum Standaardisatie.
Brett Neilson and Ned Rossiter, ‘The Logistical City‘, Transit Labour: Circuits, Regions, Borders, Digest no. 3, August.
‘Logistics, Labour and New Regimes of Knowledge Production‘, Transeuropéenes: International Journal of Critical Thought 8 August 2011.
Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter, ‘In Praise of Concept Production: Formats, Schools and Non-Representational Media Studies’, in Kelly Gates (ed.) Media Studies Futures, Cambridge: Cambridge and Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell (published 2013).
Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter, ‘Understanding Cartopolitics: The Logic of Networks, From Visualisation to Organisation’, in Geraldine Barlow (ed.) Networks (cells & silos), Melbourne: Monash University Museum of Art, pp. 29-31.
Brett Neilson and Ned Rossiter, ‘Still Waiting, Still Moving: On Labour, Logistics and Maritime Industries‘, in David Bissell and Gillian Fuller (eds)Â Stillness in a Mobile World, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 51-68 .
Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter. ‘Urgent Aphorisms: Notes on Organized Networks for the Connected Multitudes’, in Mark Deuze (ed.) Managing Media Work, London: Sage, pp. 279-290.
Brett Neilson, Ned Rossiter and Soenke Zehle, ‘From Flows of Culture to the Circuits of Logistics: Borders, Regions, Labour in Transit’, Transit Labour: Circuits, Regions, Borders, Digest 2, December. (Print and pdf pamphlets)
‘“Design criteria future, love it or leave itâ€â€™, in Geert Lovink and Mieke Gerritzen (eds) Everyone is a Designer in the Age of Social Media, Amsterdam: BIS Publishers, pp. 97-99.
‘From IT Factory to Electronic Markets: Speculations on Circuits, Regions, Labour‘, Transit Labour: Circuits, Regions, Borders, Digest no. 1, July.
‘The Informational University, the Uneven Distribution of Expertise and the Racialisation of Labour’, Edu-Factory Journal Zero Issue (January).
‘The Informational University, the Uneven Distribution of Expertise, and the Racialization of Labour‘, Edu-Factory Presentation (with Paolo Do and Jon Solomon), The Edu-Factory Network of Struggles and Transformations in the University, Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, Shanghai University, 7 December.
‘Translating the Indifference of Communication: Electronic Waste, Migrant Labour and the Informational Sovereignty of Logistics in China’, International Review of Information Ethics 11.
‘Organized Networks: Questions of Politics, Translation and Time’ [Keynote Address], Out of the Blue: Instant Urbanism, Hospitality and History, The Blue House, Amsterdam, 3-8 August.
Ippolita, Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter. ‘The Digital Given: 10 Web 2.0 Theses‘, Fibreculture Journal 14.
Gabriella Coleman, Geert Lovink, Ned Rossiter and Soenke Zehle, ‘Winter Camp 09: From Weak Ties to Organized Networks – Ideas, Reports, Critiques‘, in Geert Lovink (ed.) From Weak Ties to Organized Networks: Ideas, Reports, Critiques, Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, pp. 6-23.
Soenke Zehle and Ned Rossiter. ‘Organizing Networks: Notes on Collaborative Constitution, Translation, and the Work of Organization’, Cultural Politics 5.2: 237-264.
‘Networks, Institutions, Translation’, Television & New Media 10.1: 138-140.
Brett Neilson and Ned Rossiter. ‘Precarity as a Political Concept, or, Fordism as Exception’, Theory, Culture & Society 25.7/8: 51-72.
‘Introduction: Counter-Mapping Creative Industries in Beijing’, Urban China 33 (November): 24-25. Full and downloadable issue here.
‘Una gerarchia di reti? ovvero, reti geo-culturalmente differenziate e i limiti della collaborazione’, in edu-factory collective (eds) L’università globale: Il nuovo mercato del sapere, Roma: Manifestolibri. (English version here)
‘Social Inequalities in China, or, Crisis for Europe?’ [Italian translation], Carta 12 (April): 26-27. English version here.
Alessandro Delfanti and Ned Rossiter. ‘La sfida del lavoro al tempo della rete [The challenge of working at the time of network: Interview with Ned Rossiter]’, Il Manifesto, 1 May.
Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter. ‘Ten Theses on Non-Democratic Electronics: Organized Networks Updated’, in Marco Berlinguer and Hilary Wainwright (eds) Networked Politics: Rethinking Political Organisation in an Age of Movements and Networks, Berlin: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, pp. 61-65.
‘YourSpace is MyTime, or, What is the Lurking Dog Going to Do – Leave a Comment?’, Re-public.
‘Can Organized Networks Make Money for Designers?’, Noema: Technologie e Società 50.
Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter. (eds) MyCreativity Reader: A Critique of Creative Industries, Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures.
Organized Networks: Media Theory, Creative Labour, New Institutions, Rotterdam: NAi Publications and Institute for Network Cultures. [PDF]
‘Organised Networks: Transdisciplinarity and New Institutional Forms’, Transform, European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies.
‘Creative Industries in Beijing: Initial Impressions’, Leonardo: Journal for the International Arts, Sciences and Technology 39.4: 367-370.
Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter. ‘iTube, YouSpace, WeCreate’, in Mieke Gerritzen et al. (eds) (2006) The Creativity [Newspaper], Amsterdam: Sandberg Institute, pp. 1-2.
Brett Neilson and Ned Rossiter. ‘Towards a Political Anthropology of New Institutional Forms’, ephemera: theory & politics in organization 6.4: 393-410.
Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter. ‘Dawn of the Organised Networks’, Fibreculture Journal 5.
Brett Neilson and Ned Rossiter. ‘From Precarity to Precariousness and Back Again: Labour, Life and Unstable Networks’, Fibreculture Journal 5.
Brett Neilson and Ned Rossiter. ‘Action without Reaction: A Mongolian Border Intervention’, ephemera: theory & politics in organization [Special issue: ‘Moving Minds, or, What is Politics?] 5.X, pp. 144-149.
‘Creative Industries, Comparative Media Theory, and the Limits of Critique from Within’, Topia: A Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies 11 (Spring): 21-48.
‘Report: Creative Labour and the role of Intellectual Property’, Fibreculture Journal 1.
‘Modalities of Indigenous Sovereignty, Transformations of the Nation-State, and Intellectual Property Regimes’, Borderlands E-Journal: New Spaces in the Humanities 1.2.